8 Facts About Guppies
8 Facts About Guppies photo by aquariumfish.net Searching for your next finned pet? Guppies are a common and easy-to-care-for option. In fact, guppies make great pets and can be excellent additions to the tanks of both experienced fish owners and aquatic pet newbies, said Sam Williamson, former marine biologist and fish expert of more than 20 years. However, many fish owners and prospective buyers may not know much about guppies and can benefit from learning about this type of fish. “Guppies are an extremely misunderstood breed of fish,” Williamson said. “With so many different fish to choose from, it's easy to dismiss them as boring and too commonplace.” Here, discover a handful of our favorite — and fun! — facts about guppies: Fact #1: Guppies are a Namesake The guppy is named after Robert John Lechmere Guppy, a researcher and geologist with, interestingly, no formal scientific training. Guppy was credited with discovering the fish in Trinidad i...